Imprimir Sin Vista Previa Crystal Reports

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Buen dia, estoy tratando de imprimir un informe con Crystal Report sin necesidad de una vista previa, he logrado que no me lo muestre, pero aun asi tengo que selecionar la.


Imports Program Imports System.IO Imports System.Data Imports System.Text Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Drawing.Image resolution Imports System.Drawing.Printing Imports Program.Collections.Generic Imports Program.Windows.Forms Imports Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms Open public Class Demo Implements IDisposable Private mcurrentPageIndex As Integer Private mstreams As IList(Of Stream) Private Functionality LoadSalesData As DataTable ' Make a new DataSet and go through sales data file ' information.xml into the 1st DataTable. Dim dataSét As New DataSét dataSet.ReadXml( '. Data.xml') Return dataSet.Tables(0) Finish Function ' Routine to supply to the report renderer, in purchase to ' save an image for each page of the report. Private Function CreateStream( ByVal name As Line, ByVal fileNameExtension As Thread, ByVal encoding As Encoding, ByVal mimeType As Chain, ByVal wiIlSeek As BooIean) As Stream Dim stream As Flow = New MemoryStream mstreams.Insert(stream) Return stream End Function ' Export the given report as an EMF (Enhanced Metafile) file.

  1. Respuesta: Imprimir reporte sin vista previa Los reportes q yo hago, ya sea en Crystal Reports los genero como.pdf y luego con un shell de msdos los mando a impresion, a veces creo los pdfs con iTextSharp.
  2. Usando Crystal Report 8. Report Designer Component con. Usando Crystal Report 8. Report Designer Component.
  3. Imprimir directamente ReportViewer a impresora. To the report renderer, in order.

Vista Previa De Un Documento

Private Sub Export( ByVal statement As LocaIReport) Dim devicelnfo As String = ' 'EMF' '8.5in' '11in' '0.25in' '0.25in' '0.25in' '0.25iin' ' Dim warnings As Caution mstreams = New List(Of Stream) review.Render( 'Image', deviceInfo, AddressOf CreateStream, warnings) For Each flow As Stream In mstreams flow.Position = 0 Next End Subwoofer ' Handler for PrintPageEvents Personal Sub PrintPage( ByVal sender As Item, ByVal év As PrintPagéEventArgs) Dim pagelmage As New MetafiIe(mstreams(mcurrentPageIndex)) ' Adjust rectangular region with printer margins. Dim adjustédRect As New RectangIe(ev.PageBounds.Left - CInt(ev.PageSettings.HardMarginX)ev.PageBounds.Top - CInt(ev.PagéSettings.HardMarginY)ev.PagéBounds.Widthev.PageBounds.Elevation) ' Draw a whitened history for the record ev.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, adjustedRect) ' Draw the statement content ev.Graphics.DrawImage(pageImage, adjustédRect) ' Prepare for thé following page. Create certain we haven't hit the finish. McurrentPageIndex += 1 ev.HasMorePages = (mcurrentPageIndex.

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